I found out about Mother Meera through her website and felt I needed to visit her. An opportunity presented itself and I decided to go to Germany to see what my feeling meant. When I arrived at the small community of Balduinstein, I checked into the hotel and later in the evening it was time for “Silent Meditation with the Mother.” I arrived early since I was unsure how long it would take to get there from the hotel. I arrived an hour before it started and I decided to sit down on a park bench near and wait. At this moment, a strong fear came over me. I began to question why I went all the way from Sweden to meet this woman. What was the reason?
An incredibly important question to answer when you take off on your spiritual journey is to find out what you’re really looking for. Without the answer to this question, you can easily walk around blind without knowing where to go. Therefore, I consider being honest with yourself and answering this question is one of the most important pieces of puzzle in terms of spiritual development.
The more I sat thinking about this, the fear became stronger and it felt like my ego was drowning and did everything to stay above the surface. There were several scenarios playing in my mind about how my life would be destroyed if I stepped into that room. But at last I realized trying to understand who I really am beyond my body and my thoughts is what drives me forward. When this came to this conclusion, all fear disappeared and an incredible calm was formed inside.
I decided to step into the hall. I sat down with all the others who were there to get her blessing. In the end she walked into the hall and after that nobody said a word the next few hours. She looked out over the crowd before she closed her eyes and began meditating. I became very skeptical and wondered what this really was. I felt nothing special when I saw her but decided to close my eyes and meditate. It did not take long before I entered a deep meditative state. I felt a pressure over my head and energy began to pass through my body. The meditation lasted about an hour and then the mother left the room. I felt incredibly calm and harmonious.
The following two days was darshan (blessing) instead of meditation. One by one we had to go to the mother to get her darshan. I had no expectations but was rather skeptical. In the end it was my turn and I stepped forward to her. She laid her hands over my head and a moment later she looked deep into my eyes. Her look was something outstanding. Even though she only looked into my eyes for a few seconds, it felt like an eternity. I have never looked in a pair of eyes such as hers before. There was something much more behind them. I walked back to my seat and felt a strong energy within my body. I meditated for about 1-2 hours while the mother was blessing all the people in the room. It was clear that her darshan had an effect on me. A sense of peace came upon me and afterwards I could walk away with a wonderful smile on my face.
When I’m writing this some time after I met her, I can not say I’m in any way a newborn man. But a change has occurred within me. The fog within me has disappeared and I can see my next steps in life much more clearly. A security that has not existed previously has taken its hold. All the disturbing thoughts that have existed there to stop me from my spiritual practice have disappeared and my spiritual path feels clearer than ever before.
Thank you Mother Meera!