From the viewpoint of the enlightened master, the entire universe is within You. The enlightened master knows, through direct experience, that there is no outer experience. Think about it. All the input that comes through your senses is internal experiences. The outer world is an illusion, much like a dream. The entire universe takes place within you. And therefore, you are the highest God. The creator of all that IS.
If there is a consciousness above you, and hence outside of your experience, you cannot possibly be aware of it, so why would you bother about something that is impossible to know anything about? If something that is seemingly above and outside of you enters your experience, it must take place within your experience for you to experience it, and hence be your own creation and not be above you at all, since you are the one experiencing it. It would, in other words, be you as well. This includes all experiences of God and higher states of consciousness. If you experience them, they are within you. You are the one God.
Everything is within you, within your experience, so you are the creator of all there is. But the interesting thing is, that you are within other people’s experience as well. Therefore, they must be the highest God as well, whether they are aware of it or not. All that they experience, including you, is within there experience and hence they are creating it. But if they are within you, and you within them, this must mean that we are within each other, creating each other. In other words, we are all one. One consciousness. There is no difference between us. The difference can only be in our awareness of what IS. The awareness of what IS will expand in all eternity since everything changes all the time, but as soon as you experience something new, you will realize that you have always been that, just that you were not aware of it before.
When you have realized this fact, you will always live as the highest God, because you now know that nothing that you experience in the future can change that fact. It will always be within your experience. Within you. You stop define things as higher or lower, bigger or smaller, up or down, front or back, it’s all illusions anyways. Everything can be turned around. Instead, you start to focus on experiencing the NOW, whatever it happens to be at the moment. It doesn’t matter, because you know that whatever you experience, it is YOU, and it can never be any better than that. How could it? There is nothing else than you, so why bother wishing for something else? Everything you experience is reflections of yourself. You are the one God.
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